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The Salem Witches' Institute


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The Salem Witches' Institute

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The Salem Witches' Institute

Welcome to the Salem Witches' Institute, the premiere American school of magic located within the World of Harry Potter. An original role play for creative minds.

SWI is officially open. Registration is ongoing for all incoming 1st Years.
Current Role Play Date: 14 October, 2011. Day: Friday. Time: 9:00 AM. Weather: Mid 50's with a slight breeze from the east.
Orientation is set up in the Atrium. Please visit to participate.

Kerry Malibey
Jessica Kishna
6 posters

    Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Jessica Kishna
    Jessica Kishna

    Posts : 61
    Join date : 2011-04-20
    Character Age : 53
    Location : Salem Witches' Institute

    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Jessica Kishna Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:18 pm

    Jessica strolled into her first year classroom--well, it was more torture chamber than classroom, but who was complaining... She smiled at her handiwork in this particular space, taking her time lighting each torch and adjusting the temperature, cranking it up so that the room was slightly warmer than the last class. Let's see how these kids concentrate when we turn up the pain...

    Visiting each individual niche, Jessica set up the necessary provisions for the class.

    Housed in a wide mouthed beaker was one snail; a small wire cage with a trap door on its roof housed two mice; and a larger cage of similar design held three kittens.

    "Let the games begin," she said to the empty room. She took her place at the center behind her podium, arranged her lesson, and waited for her first years to arrive.
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Re: Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:23 pm

    One again the first her, Kerry had Annie walk in before him. He knew not to come in holding hands, or with a hand on the small of her back, or any of that bull . . . Professor Kishna made it clear she wouldn't stand for that, and since it was her class, Kerry wasn't about to provoke her.

    Kerry did feel a little self-conscious about seeing her, though. This would be their first fact-to-face since last Monday, and while Kerry wasn't sure how one should handle a "Oh, good to see you up and about since killing that Death Eater" moment, he did figure that the less said about it, the better. I'm more worried about what we're going to do than anything else, he thought.

    He looked around for his cubical, wondering if it was the same place as two weeks ago. Feeling the sweat bead on his forehead, he said, "Morning, Professor Kishna," as he located his cubical and set his things down.
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Re: Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:30 pm

    Annie was dreading this class. The last time hadn't been pretty, but the last time she hadn't almost lost Kerry to a crazy dementor or had such an intimate kiss in the hollow either. Somehow, she felt this class wouldn't be as bad.

    The instant she walked through the door, she began to doubt herself. The heat of the room reached out and slapped her across the face. Whoa, she thought, as she silently took her place at the same niche as their last class--across from Kerry. Her eye caught the cages, one with kittens, the other with mice, and a jar with a snail. Great. It was only a matter of time before this lady had us torturing animals...

    She removed her book from her backpack and her wand from her jacket and silently waited for the rest of the class.
    Raven Whitefeather
    Raven Whitefeather
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    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Re: Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Raven Whitefeather Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:14 am

    Raven happened to ran into Lina on the way to class, and the two of them made it with plenty of time to spare. There ain't no way I'm going to be late to her class, she thought as she simply smiled and nodded her head, which Lina also seemed to do, but unlike Lina, Raven followed it up with, "'Morning, Ma'am."

    Both Lina and Raven walked to their respective niche. From her bag, Raven took out her still unopened book, I'm really glad that books don't change all that much throughout the years. She was going to lean over to talk to Kerry, but decided against it. The whole atmosphere of the room seemed...awkward. Raven couldn't put her finger on it, but the room was awkwardly silent, as everyone stood about the room. I hope it ain't going to be like this all year.

    Jessica Kishna
    Jessica Kishna

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    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Re: Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Jessica Kishna Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:25 pm

    Jessica was pleased to see that most of her class made it. Domingo will be dealt with, she thought, while glancing at his empty niche.

    “Good morning, students. I trust you are all well and ready to jump into your studies, so I will not delay with idle chatter. This morning we will try our hands at a vanishing spell.” She retrieved her wand and a snail from the podium behind her.

    “Engorgio,” she said, pointing her wand at its head, and the snail became the size of a mouse. “In order to make this spell work, you must focus. If you do not heed my words, you will have a regrettable outcome.”

    Jessica moved the tip of her wand in a tight clockwise circle and spoke the incantation, “Evanesco.”

    Before the student’s eyes, the snail vanished. “You may be asking yourselves where the snail went. Do not be alarmed. It is not dead; it simply exists in another reality. The snail is now in a dimension invisible to our own eyes…unless we are sent there ourselves, and can be retrieved using the counterspell.”

    She pointed her wand at her empty hand and moved the tip of her wand in a tight counterclockwise circle and spoke the reverse, “Ostendo Sum Evanui”

    The mouse-sized snail make a small popping noise as it rejoined their dimension and raised its head lazily to look about the room.

    “Are there any questions, students?”
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Re: Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Annie Krum Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:38 pm

    Annie shook her head no. I can't wait to try that, she thought, as the sweat rolled down her back. She removed her jacket, revealing the delicate pale green blouse underneath.

    Wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, she glanced across the room at Kerry and smiled. This is going to be fun...
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Re: Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Kerry Malibey Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:51 pm

    Kerry shook his head. Do it, don't spend time thinking about it. Just like last time. It's a mater of wanting to feel it and not analyze it. And that's what he was going to do.

    "No questions here, Professor," he said.
    Jessica Kishna
    Jessica Kishna

    Posts : 61
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    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Re: Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Jessica Kishna Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:34 pm

    Jessica looked at both Raven and Lina to see if they had anything to add and when they remained silent, she continued...


    Okay boys and girls, this is how the roll set up will go so pay attention--because any mistakes will cost you...dearly.

    By now you should all know how to roll. We'll be using a D100 dice roll.

    Here is the breakdown.

    Each student will BEGIN with their snail. If you are successful, you may move on to mice, and then kittens.

    Snails, being invertebrates, are considered easier to vanish than the mice and kittens, which are mammals. Therefore, the requirements will be as follows:

    Snails: Five chances, 1 success needed at 50+
    If you manage a roll of 90-99, add a D10 for all rolls after.

    Mice: Six chances, 2 successes needed at 60+
    If you roll a 90-94--WITHOUT HAVING ROLLED THIS PRIOR WITH THE SNAIL, add a D10 for all rolls after, roll 95-99, add a D20 for all rolls after.

    Kittens: Eight chances, 3 successes needed at 75+
    If you roll 95-99, add a D20 for all rolls after.

    ALL ANIMALS: roll 100, Automatic Success for that animal. Add a D30 modifier for ALL Rolls After.

    Modifiers are NOT ACCUMULATIVE... Don't try doubling up. I'll delete posts faster than you can blink.

    Let's do a for instance:

    I roll a 93 doing snails. I'm awesome, we all know that, so I move on to my mice.

    With my first roll, I add a D10 mod, and then roll a 94 combined with my D100. I do not get a D20, I am still a SINGLE D10.

    However, if on one of my next rolls I hit a 97, I move up from the D10 to the D20 and continue on using a D20 for all of the rest of my rolls.

    If, by some miracle, you happen to hit a 100 on any roll, you may use a D30 mod on all further rolls.

    Keep in mind that if you hit a high 100 or a low 1, YOU MUST STOP and wait for GMEmma to comment.

    Make sense, kiddies? If you're not sure about what to do, this is the time to ask. If you're comfortable with what is expected, find your "niche" thread and begin.


    Jessica explained their lesson and looked around the room, waiting for questions.

    Anna Krolence
    Anna Krolence
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    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Re: Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Anna Krolence Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:02 pm

    She knew they were late, but Anna knew it wasn't their fault they'd had their Transfiguration class changed from Wednesday to today, and now they were late for class. Ella was right: it was all that Professor Arrakis' fault. She had it out for them, in particular for Ella since she'd blown up at Malibey and Krum the other night and Arrakis hauled her out of the Madness and chewed her out in the hall. So not fair to ban Ella for a month, she thought, but rushing through the classroom door Anna didn't have time to work about their stupid Coven head--she was more worried about this Coven head.

    'Cause if there was anyone who was a biach, it was Kishna.

    "Sorry, Professor Kishna," she said, gasping for air as Ella bumped into her, almost knocking her books to the ground. "We got our classes rescheduled at the last minute and Arrakis didn't tell us about it until 20 minutes ago and we had to hurry up our breakfast and..." And she's not having anything it, Anna thought, as Jessica gave them a cold, hard eye--

    Jessica Kishna
    Jessica Kishna

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    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Re: Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Jessica Kishna Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:11 pm

    It took every last micro-gram of patience Jessica possessed to keep from turning both annoying girls into coat racks and storing them in the dungeon until Saturday morning. These two Åsgårdsreia idiots are already dancing on thin ice, she thought, and they're doing little to endear me further--

    "Professor Arrakis thought a change to this time would be beneficial," she said, emphasizing Deanna's title. "At the time I agreed: now, I'm having second thoughts." She nodded sharply towards their cubicles. "Start setting up and I'll be over momentarily to give you private instruction since it seems 30 minutes is far to long for you to walk from the Great Hall to here."

    As they sullenly headed to their work spaces, Jessica added, "Need I mention 10 points each from Åsgårdsreia?" She wanted to slap the glare Ella gave her from her face. "I thought not."
    Ella Farrell
    Ella Farrell
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    Class Two: Vanishing Spells Empty Re: Class Two: Vanishing Spells

    Post  Ella Farrell Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:26 pm

    Ella dropped her things in the corner of her Cubical From Hell--and given how freakin' hot Kishna always kept the room her description wasn't an exaggeration--and waited as she silently cursed out Arrakis. Stupid Arrakis, she though, still stinging from the verbal dress down she received Saturday night before being told she was banned from The Madness for a month and sent back to the tower. Why do they let these stupid foreigners teach here-- She glanced over to Annie's cubical and snorted. Or go here, for that matter.

    Though her voice almost back to normal, Ella was still burning for payback. She knew it might take time, but ever since the Dark Arts two weeks ago where Annie smarted off to her in front of everyone she'd been pissed at her. I don't know why she thinks she's so important, Ella thought. So her dumb boyfriend was hit with a couple of killing curses--he didn't die, did he? Ella was even more convinced now, after giving it a lot of thought, that Lovecraft screwed up those spells--everyone knows you can't pull a Killing Curse. That's just crazy.

    Oh, well. There's always going to be "teacher's pets", she thought, watching Kishna give Anna a hard time, and these two didn't waste time getting to the front of the line. But Ella knew stuff like that never lasted. No, it never did....

    And she had seven years to wait for something... right.

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