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The Salem Witches' Institute


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The Salem Witches' Institute

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The Salem Witches' Institute

Welcome to the Salem Witches' Institute, the premiere American school of magic located within the World of Harry Potter. An original role play for creative minds.

SWI is officially open. Registration is ongoing for all incoming 1st Years.
Current Role Play Date: 14 October, 2011. Day: Friday. Time: 9:00 AM. Weather: Mid 50's with a slight breeze from the east.
Orientation is set up in the Atrium. Please visit to participate.

3 posters

    Accio and Depulso

    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:53 pm

    Annie was dragging a bit from their late night but happy to have the morning free to try her hand at the advanced spells. Even though absolutely nothing happened for her, she was still pleased with the way the class went. Eventually those spells will be mine.

    After a quick breakfast they headed back to their coven, grabbing a throw pillow from the sofa in front of the fireplace before heading down into the dungeons. She held her fingers loosely in Kerry's and opened the door to their own private study room.

    "Home at last," she giggled and stepped into the cozy room.

    Once inside, Annie plopped her bag onto the floor next to one of the armchairs and tossed their find on the floor in the center of the room. Freeing her wand from its hiding place, Annie put on her game face.

    "Okay. I have no idea what happened to me last night, but I'm determined to get these spells down before our next class," she smiled and raised her eyebrows. "I hope..."

    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:08 pm

    It was, for Kerry, as if he'd gone to bed one person and woke up another. After the class last night he felt really . . . different. And he felt different about a lot of things: school, classes, magic--


    Last night was really sort of the first time Kerry could say he sat with Annie, and they were with others . . . and they were a true couple. There wasn't the feeling that people were staring or thinking strange things or even giggling about it when they weren't looking.

    It felt very normal. And it felt really good.

    Like Kerry had sat with Annie that way for a very long time.

    He considered locking the door but decided against it. Even though he knew Professor Semplen was in class he didn't want to break that trust they were establishing with him. If someone like that annoying ass Jill comes in, though . . . He grinned thinking about what might go down should that happen.

    Kerry walked over and gave Annie a hug. "Oh, you're going to do it," he said. "Last night it was being in front of everyone. This morning it's just me." He held out his arms and spun around. "And I'm your biggest fan, Sweetie." Kerry blew her a kiss. "You always make me proud."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:00 pm

    Annie gave him her sweetest smile and then slipped out of her school jacket, throwing it over the arm of the chair. She looked around the room. This place needs a more homey feel, she thought, and made a mental note to bring in some pictures the next time they wandered down to study.

    "Down to business." She pointed her wand directly at the pillow and flicked it with flourish. The movement felt right and when she was satisfied, she accompanied it with the incantation.

    "Accio throw pillow!"

    Bringing the fluff: 1 of 6
    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D100 (D100.) :

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D10 (D10.) :
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:05 pm

    Annie burst out in the giggles. She held her sides as they racked through her body. When she finally composed herself enough to speak, she wiped the tears from her eyes and smoothed her hair.

    "At least I'm consistent, Kerry." She winked at him and tried it again, this time adding in a bit more wand movement as she arched her back.

    "Come to me little pillow," she whispered. "Accio throw pillow!"

    Bringing the fluff: 2 of 6
    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D100 (D100.) :

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D10 (D10.) :
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:09 pm

    Kerry walked over with his wand. "Here, Annie, let me." He pointed at the pillow: "Depulso." And the pillow soared back to the other end of the table.

    "Concentrate on getting the summoning to work," he said. "When you nail that, we'll do banish." He brushed his fingers across the back of her neck, then lifted her hair and kissed the nape. "Go for it, Annie. You're doing great."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:24 pm

    Annie jumped up and down, clapping at her success.

    "I did it! I did it!" she cried holding out the pillow so he could see.

    When Kerry swaggered over and sent back the pillow to where it rested on the floor before she summoned it, she felt herself swoon under his fingers. Calm yourself, Annie, she thought as his lips kissed the back of her neck, sending a radiant warmth throughout her body. or you'll lose focus and that will be all she wrote.

    She took a deep breath and let it out, slipping her fingers through his and pointed her wand back at the pillow.

    "Accio throw pillow."

    Bringing the fluff: 3 of 6
    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D100 (D100.) :

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D10 (D10.) :

    GM Emma
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  GM Emma Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:30 pm

    Holy Shit, Annie, that's pretty ... well, you know, it's really one of those crappy things that happens--

    However ....

    A 10 on a D10 and a kiss from Mr. Soon-to-be-Hottie ... yeah, that's worth +5 points.

    That makes it 69, dudes!!

    Party on!
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:36 pm

    Annie could hardly contain the emotions welling up inside her. She hugged the pillow and then tossed it up in the air so Kerry could send it back to the starting point once again. She was pleased with her progress so far and eager to nail the spell.

    "What do you say, Pillow. Are you ready for another flight?" She giggled and brandished her wand giving it extra flourish this time. "Accio throw pillow."

    Bringing the fluff: 4 of 6
    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D100 (D100.) :

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D10 (D10.) :
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:43 pm

    Kerry loved that Annie got two in a row; she was doing very good. When the pillow didn't move the forth time, he stepped over to Annie and took her hand.

    "Remember, I had to push this to learn it," he said. "So even if it doesn't happen right away, you're gonna know this." He kissed her lightly on the lips. "Way ahead and way better than that goofy Ella and Anna."

    He stepped back and leaned against the wall. "You can do it; make that pillow fly, Annie."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:46 pm

    It wiggled a bit but stayed put. As Kerry comforted her, Annie closed her eyes and took another deep breath. He is right. I can do this.

    Adjusting her stance, she turned so her back was to Kerry and arched her back a bit more. She hopped up and down a few times, remembering how her father used to battle his own nerves before a big match. This is nothing close to that, but whatever helps the magic flow.

    "Come on little pillow. You can do it." Squaring her shoulders she said, "Accio throw pillow!"

    Bringing the fluff: 5 of 6
    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D100 (D100.) :

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D10 (D10.) :
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:52 pm

    When nothing happened, not even a twitch that time, Annie took a break and walked over to Kerry.

    "Why does this have to be so frustratingly difficult," she whined as she paced in front of him. "It's beyond maddening. No one tells you this stuff in the books. It's all, point and speak." She stopped and faced him.

    "I'm being a brat, aren't I?" She kissed him and smiled, gazing deeply into his eyes. "No more whining. I promise," she whispered. "Besides, it won't do me any good to let frustration take over.

    "Okay, Pillow. Let's go." She pointed her wand, trying desperately to get in the same mindset as her previous attempts and let the spell fly from her wand.

    "Accio throw pillow!"

    Bringing the fluff: 6 of 6
    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D100 (D100.) :

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D10 (D10.) :
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:58 pm

    Kerry nodded while Annie spoke, then when the pillow flew to her, he stepped to her side. "I think it's like that because if they told you how frustrating it was, you wouldn't want to try it." He put his arm around Annie. "And don't say, 'It's easy for you,' because maybe it's because I don't have any expectations, so I'm just like--'do it'."

    He banished the pillow back to the end of the table. "You're already doing better than last night. It's the feel here--not that Wednesday didn't make us feel good." He stood before her and gazed upon Annie over his glasses. "An while you might be a brat at times, you're my brat, Annie Krum."

    Kerry kissed her again, this time holding it longer. "I'd do at least one push. If you get a feel for it, then push it again." He glared at the pillow, then grinned at her. "Magic is your bitch, remember?"
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:05 pm

    "Right," she laughed. He made a ton of sense. His magic worked because he didn't have any expectations that it it did. "Maybe I'm overthinking it."

    She turned to face the pillow once more. "Kerry says you're my bitch, magic..." she turned to wink at him and blew him a kiss. "So, Pillow... I say move your fluffy self over here. Now."

    She flung her wand toward the target and said, "Accio throw pillow!"

    Bringing the fluff: 7 of 6: 70+
    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D100 (D100.) :

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D10 (D10.) :
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:09 pm

    Not a twitch from the flipping thing. "Okay, I'm not going to get crazy. This time it'll work." She adjusted herself once again, smoothing her skirt around her narrow hips.

    "Here we go, wand." she said, her voice calm and even. "Accio throw pillow."

    Bringing the fluff: 8 of 6 75+

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D100 (D100.) :

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D10 (D10.) :
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:17 pm

    Kerry came over and put his arm around Annie. "Okay, Throw Pillow Killer," he said. "Take a break." He led her over to the sofa, then sat and slowly pulled her into his lap. Once she was there Kerry got his arms around her and held her tight.

    "This is really the best for us. I mean, we're not in a bullpen dealing with distractions. We can go at our own pace. Don't do it today--pop in tomorrow morning." He pulled her hair in close to his face and smelled her hair.

    "I don't see this like a contest," he said. "We'll get it. Hell, we did stuff already that the other 1st Years can't . . . and you can't take that away." He playfully touched the tip of her nose. "And who else besides you and me have done two 4th Year potions? Hum?"
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:28 pm

    Annie smiled and snuggled in close, letting his words soothed her slightly bruised ego.

    "These spells aren't simple." She sighed. "I'd love to see Ella and Anna trying them." She giggled softly, thinking about all the mishaps those two had already been through.

    "I get the feeling that casting them repeatedly does something to me. Drains my energy...or my wand's energy. Something is off and if I don't figure it out," she gazed up at him and smiled. "This class is going to be all the more difficult."

    Annie swiveled on the couch and put her head in Kerry's lap. "Maybe I'm just tired from last night?" she wondered. "Or maybe I'm just too much in love to think straight." She laughed and caressed the tip of her wand.

    "Anyway, you are right. Learning the spell doesn't have to happen all at once."

    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:38 pm

    Kerry smile at the penultimate statement. "I've never been in love before this, so I guess it could take more out of you . . . particularly if you're a gurrrrrrrrrlll." He playfully stretched out the last word, just fooling around with Annie.

    "Yeah, I mean . . . I gotta do this non-verbal next time." He shook his head. "I gotta feeling Wends is gonna keep ramping things up until she gets you to where you can't do it--then she'll throw something else at you." He snorted before giggling. "And who knows what other insanity she'll throw at us after this. It's only the first month of school; still like 30 classes to go."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:44 pm

    Annie rolled over so she could see his face and playfully hit him on the arm. "Yeah, I suppose us girls get the short end of the stick all the time when it comes to being in love." She pretended to pout, poking her bottom lip way out.

    "Are you saying you don't love me as much because you can pull off amazing feats of magical ability?" she teased.
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:49 pm

    Kerry gazed into Annies eyes and began touching her hair. No, not touching: stroking it. "I'm saying I wouldn't know what to do without you, Annie," he said softly in a voice that was a quiet as honey dripping from a tree. "I've never been in love; I never imagined being in love. And I show up for magical school and there you are . . . and my life's never been the same."

    He pulled her up to him and kissed her on the lips. Kissing Annie was getting easier with every day, and Kerry didn't even think anything of it these days. Any time, anywhere: when kissing Annie everything was all right.

    Kerry laid her against his chest after the kiss ended. "I think my life is never going to be the same, even without the wizarding stuff." He continued running his fingers slowly through her hair. "And I don't want it to be any other way, Sweetie."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:01 pm

    Annie molded herself into Kerry's chest; the sound of his heartbeat filled her world, causing her to forget magic and spells. Right now, there was only Kerry.

    "I love you, Kerry," she whispered. "I don't expect that your life will ever be the same now that we've found each other. I know I haven't been the same since you asked me to help you in the bookstore." She sat up and brushed her lips against his neck. "I'll never want anyone other than you."
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:32 pm

    Kerry pulled Annie in tighter. He didn't feel like he thought someone his age should feel when they were in love. He felt like . . . it was nice, it was calming.

    It make him, for the first time in his life, feel very special.

    "It's a good thing you'll never want anyone else," he said slowly, his voice sounding very quiet in the room. "'Cause you're not going to get anyone else." He kissed the top of her head through her hair. "You'll get to keep me as long as you like, Miss Krum . . .."

    And then he went there, because it was something Annie told him a month ago, and he wanted to remind her-- "Or should that be, Mrs. Malibey?" He kissed her again. "I'll let you decide."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:36 pm

    Annie giggled and sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the couch.

    "What makes you think I haven't already decided, Mr. Malibey?"

    She held out her wand and pressed it into his hand. "Take a closer look," she said, her eyes glinting with mischief. Annie sat still as he turned her wand over in his hands and giggled with delight as his breath caught when he found her secret.

    Nestled between the spiraling vine carving on the handle was inscribed,

    Mrs. Anelie Farin Krum-Malibey.

    The letters were delicately etched, so as to blend in as part of the design. "I've made my choice, Kerry," she whispered, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "I choose you... Always."

    She lifted her wand out of his fingers and sat back, crossing her legs. "What do you say we tackle this while sitting?"

    Carefully she raised her wand and pointed it at the pillow across the room. "Watch your throw pillow killer in action. Accio throw pillow!"

    Bringing the fluff: 9 of 6 80+
    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D100 (D100.) :

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D10 (D10.) :
    GM Emma
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  GM Emma Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:21 pm

    Hey there again, Anelie! How's it going? Oh, right: you rolled a 1. So ... not so good.

    Hummmm ... you're makin' me work tonight, and here I was gonna watch the last episode of X Factor to see who wins. Sis gets future cable, you know--

    Oh, this is easy: the pillow comes flying off the table, past you, past Kerry, and slams into the wall, where it spits open and feathers and foam fly out.

    Good thing Kerry knows Reparo--

    Carry on, Mrs. Malibey!
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Kerry Malibey Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:38 pm

    Kerry jumped back when the pillow slammed into the wall and ripped apart. He was a little shocked, but then started laughing. "You do make those pillows come when you call, don't you?" He pulled out his wand and pointed it at the remains. "Reparo pillow," he said, and the pillow was back together as new seconds later. He sent it back then got up and walked over to Annie.

    "May I?" he said, holding out his hand next to her wand. After Annie handed it to him Kerry examined the inscription in the wand. "Anelie Farin--" he mumbled, then said it again, only this time with the honorific: "Mrs. Anelie Farin . . ." His voice trailed off as he handed the wand back.

    As he hugged Annie the tears started to fall. Slowly at first, he gripped Annie tighter as he began to shake. He knew most kids his age would have run from the room after seeing something like that. Kerry couldn't. Not now--

    Not ever.

    He sniffed back his tears before whispering in Annie's ear, "No one has ever done something like that for me." He brought himself under control before kissing Annie under the ear, on the neck. "Yes. I do," he said. "I accept.

    "I always will."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Accio and Depulso Empty Re: Accio and Depulso

    Post  Annie Krum Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:44 am

    Annie held him tightly. She knew he would be moved when he finally realized the depths of her devotion, so she was prepared when his tears began to flow. Her own emotions welled up as fat tears slid down her cheeks and dripped onto his jacket.

    Silently she leaned back and wiped his tears from his face and kissed his lips. "I told you, Kerry," she whispered, gently placing both hands on his cheeks. "You are my soul mate."

    Annie hugged him fiercely, glad to have shared her secret with him in their cozy little nook. Everything about this room feels right and right now, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

    After they had both settled and returned to the couch, Annie cuddled into Kerry and sighed. "Class will be starting soon, but I'd really like to finish at least the accio spell. Something tells me it's not going to come as easily for me.

    "That last try actually did kill the throw pillow." She smiled at the thought of it slamming the wall and exploding. "But if I never try..."

    Standing, Annie brandished her wand with extra flourish. "I'll never succeed. You taught me that, Kerry.

    "Accio throw pillow!"

    Bringing the fluff: 10 of 6 85+
    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D100 (D100.) :

    Annie Krum carried out 1 launched of one Accio and Depulso D10 (D10.) :

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