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The Salem Witches' Institute

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The Salem Witches' Institute

Welcome to the Salem Witches' Institute, the premiere American school of magic located within the World of Harry Potter. An original role play for creative minds.

SWI is officially open. Registration is ongoing for all incoming 1st Years.
Current Role Play Date: 14 October, 2011. Day: Friday. Time: 9:00 AM. Weather: Mid 50's with a slight breeze from the east.
Orientation is set up in the Atrium. Please visit to participate.

3 posters

    Tripping to the Library

    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Tripping to the Library

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon May 16, 2011 5:46 pm

    The walk down the 2nd Floor corridor was different somehow. It was Kerry. He felt so different now; seeming a bit more grown up, holding hands with Annie, sharing their feelings as they did--

    Yeah, we're 11 and have the world by the butt! he thought. And that will last until the first teacher yells at us and we realized we don't own this place. He almost laughed, but worried that if he did, it was gonna echo all over the place.

    He glanced over to Annie. She was smiling at last, her hair bouncing with each step. Gone was the pallor that lay across her face only five minutes before; she seemed a completely different girl. And why not? Any time someone unloads the fact that they've know their destiny and they know if you're not there for them they're gonna turn into some hell-bound wench, you know you're feel better afterwards. It was going to take some times to truly analyze what Annie said, but he'd already set his path; he was going to walk with her, and help where he could. And, he realized, I have a girlfriend, so you losers back in Cardiff can suck it!

    They turned the corner to their right and saw the signs: Sanctuary--Library. "Well," Kerry said, slowing his pace as he looked for the entrance he assumed would be on their left, "I think this is it."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Annie Krum Mon May 16, 2011 6:19 pm

    Annie was thrilled that Kerry now knew her secrets and chose to stay with her. It meant more to her than she would ever be able to express, and so the walk to the library was one of exhilaration and exploration of the newness that was pervading her life.

    For too long now, she had felt doomed; destined for a life she did not want. Now she was free to be herself, to enjoy her time with Kerry and leave the worry for another time.

    Kerry slowed and found the entrance, leading them both inside.
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Mon May 16, 2011 6:29 pm

    It wasn't that Trevor hadn't wanted to duck out of the Flame of Sorting ceremony; however, he didn't take enjoyment from watching 1st Years tortured by a something akin to a Dementor, and the aftermath of watching some children exiting the circle bloody and sobbing--or needing to be sent to the hospital wing . . . he didn't relish these nights. Or any time someone entered that accursed circle.

    Yes, my own sorting was simple and mild and it only required wearing a hat, he thought, sending a book off to it's rightful spot. We knew how to sort properly; we were civilized.

    He heard someone entering the library. Strange, he thought. During Welcoming Evening the library saw little if no activity; if anyone came here, it was an instructor, or Madam Laventure. But these . . . the hesitancy said students: the size indicated young students. And since I don't recognize them, 1st Years.

    Trevor stepped away from the shelving. "Welcome, students," he said, moving closer into one of the nascent pools of light scattered about the room. "I'm Mr. Parkman, the Librarian. How may I assist?"
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Annie Krum Mon May 16, 2011 6:43 pm

    Everything in this new school seemed to dazzle her in one way or another and the library was no exception. The vast openness of the ground floor gave way to huge sweeping walls of books and shelves, climbing higher than she could see.

    As they stepped further in, a voice startled her. She turned in the direction it came from and a well-dressed man steppped into the light.

    Mr. Parkman introduced himself as the librarian. Annie smiled and stepped closer, drawn in by his polite manner.

    “Good evening, Mr. Parkman.” She said. “We are interested in books on divination.”

    Last edited by Annie Krum on Mon May 16, 2011 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon May 16, 2011 6:46 pm

    Nodding, Kerry added, "When we were at Hogwarts Annie showed me a couple of books--" Screwing up his face, he added, "I don't remember the titles, but I'm sure you have them." Kerry looked around, thunderstruck. He library back at The 'Warts was huge, but this place . . . the openness, the diffused lighting: it was magical. He squeezed Annie's hand, smiling.
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Mon May 16, 2011 6:52 pm

    The moment the boy said "Hogwarts" the warning flags went off in Trevor's head. The subject of this afternoon's meeting came flooding back--

    "You're both from the exchange students from Hogwarts." It wasn't a question; Trevor had them placed instantly now that he had that one bit of information. Pointing to Kerry he said, "American accent; and you--" He pointed to Annie. "Yours is definitely Eastern European. I would say that makes you . . . Miss Krum." He nodded towards Kerry. "And you must be Mr. Malibey . . . we were told you two rarely travel alone." He stood straight, left hand behind his back. "Yes, Divination . . ." He pointed with his right to the northeast end. "That would be this way."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Annie Krum Mon May 16, 2011 7:31 pm

    The sudden chill coming from the librarian took Annie by surprise. Then he said, ‘we were told you two rarely travel alone.’ Annie felt her cheeks flush. She squeezed Kerry’s hand, in case he was thinking about letting it drop. That’s strange, she thought as they walked toward the divination section. I assumed only the headmistress and Professor Lovecraft knew of our situation.

    Annie cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Sir. How is it you know of our circumstances?”
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Mon May 16, 2011 7:42 pm

    Moving past the reading tables, Trevor said, "There was a meeting this afternoon--actually, we've had three involving your presence since Professor Lovecraft managed to convince the Headmistress to allow you entry. The one today, however . . ." They reached the section Trevor had pointed to and stopped. He checked his bearings and moved slowly to his right, scanning the titles. "was meant to reenforce the need not to discuss your means of arrival."

    Trevor stopped and turned. As he gazed upon Annie and Kerry, he said, very softly, "You, and your friends--and Professor Lovecraft, for that matter--are temporally displaced as well as being doppelgängers. It's important the rest of the student body be unaware of your actual status as 'exchange students'." He turned back and continued scanning the titles. "Of course it's necessary we know--but as staff we are held to a higher standard not to reveal . . . secrets." He pointed to a collection of manuscripts. "I believe we have located the information you seek," Trevor said, smiling.
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon May 16, 2011 11:22 pm

    Strangely everything the librarian said made sense to Kerry. We can't tell people how we got here, because we're not suppose be here as we are already elsewhere . . . "You can't cross your own timeline without causing an effect in space/time," Kerry said aloud, not to anyone in particular, just stating a fact.

    He looked up to the librarian now. "I'm guessing if people were to know about us being here, someone could do something stupid like try and send us a message." The librarian's eyes took on a knowing look as Kerry added, "That creates a paradox of causality, since we'd wonder why we're being contacted by someone in American who claims to know us, when, in reality, we're in Scotland." He turned to Annie, then back to the librarian. "Something like that, right?"
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Mon May 16, 2011 11:29 pm

    He has the finer points down well, Trevor thought. He understood most 1st Years couldn't understand true causality paradoxes, but this one--this Kerry appeared to have an intimate understanding of mechanics behind temporal dislocation--

    "Indeed, Mr. Malibey," Trevor said. He cast his gaze upon them both. "You must be very careful discussing the details of your arrival tonight; greater wizards than you have vanished in a blinding flash by making rudimentary mistakes with causality."

    Trevor extracted his wand and waved it, muttering something under his breath. Several volumes floated out of the cases and settled at eye level to Annie and Kerry. "Are any of these the volumes you desire?"
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Kerry Malibey Mon May 16, 2011 11:34 pm

    Kerry looked them over, then realized he'd brain farted on the titles: he had no idea what they were. Gee, can't imagine why I'm so forgetful suddenly, he thought sarcastically.

    Turning to Annie he asked, "Do you remember the titles, Pumpkin? I'm blankin'."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Annie Krum Tue May 17, 2011 1:35 pm

    Annie looked over the titles. All of the classics were there, Broken Balls: When Fortunes Turn Foul, Death Omens: What to Do When You Know the Worst is Coming, Predicting the Unpredictable: Insulate Yourself Against Shocks, The Dream Oracle, and Unfogging the Future.

    “Yes, these will do nicely for a start, Tikva” she said with a smile. She winked at Kerry. “Thank you for all of your help, Mr. Parkman, for the advice and the books.”
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Tue May 17, 2011 1:48 pm

    Seeing the look of confusion on the boy's face when his--hum, friend or girlfriend? Trevor wondered. They were holding hands when they came in, but they are a little young . . . he figured he'd go with friend now--said to take them all, and seeing that the titles selected represented a huge number of books, Trevor knew it would be torturous to let the boy walk around carrying those--

    "If you would like," he said, address them both, "I'll put them aside until you're settled into your tower. Then, tomorrow during orientation, you may stop by to pick them up." He removed his wand. "I can see you easily have a month of reading ahead of you, so lets check them out for that duration." Trevor touched the back of Kerry's hand with his wand, then muttered something as he made small circles in the air. The books glowed for a moment, then returned to their place on the shelves.

    "There," Trevor said, putting away his wand. "I have them on hold. When you come in tomorrow we'll check them out to you."
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Kerry Malibey Tue May 17, 2011 1:51 pm

    Kerry was a big flabbergasted. Back at The 'Warts it seemed like everything was done with paper and quills; here, it was so much more organized. "Thank you," he said. Then something Trevor said sparked Kerry's interest. "What's Orientation? We have meetings tomorrow?"
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Tue May 17, 2011 2:01 pm

    Trevor shook his head. "No, no. It's customary to leave the day after sorting open, allowing the students to explore, become familiar with the campus, and even visit their instructors." He straightened his suit jacket. "And, in some instances, recover from the sorting.

    "Everything worked out perfectly this year, since this is Thursday, so we have a Friday orientation and a free weekend." He gave the children a sly, lopsided grin. "Plenty of opportunities for mischief and detention, but for the truly inquisitive, it's a fantastic way to know your school." He gazed off into the darkness for a moment, as if looking for something. "I wish we'd had something like that when I'd went to school. Huge bloody place; would have been nice to know one's way around before starting classes."
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Annie Krum Tue May 17, 2011 2:21 pm

    “I am glad that we’re getting a nice long weekend…” to spend together. Annie glanced at Kerry and smiled.

    “I’m exhausted and we only just got here. I absolutely understand why a recovery time is necessary. Sorting here was much more stressful than at Hogwarts. That Flame is horrible. The hospital was filled with students recovering from one type of shock or another.

    “If you don’t mind my asking, Mr. Parkman, which house were you sorted into? Kerry and I were both sorted into Hufflepuff.”
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Tue May 17, 2011 2:32 pm

    Trevor was taking back slightly by Annie's question. He paused, thinking, Now, that's remarkable, before answering, "I was also in Hufflepuff, Annie; Class of '91. That makes us Housemates."

    Then his demeanor turned more serious. "But how did you know I went to Hogwarts, Annie? I never brought up where I went to school, only that it was somewhere 'big'." He looked her over, smiling. "Perhaps you have more than a passing interest in Divination?"
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Annie Krum Tue May 17, 2011 2:51 pm

    “Uh, I…” Annie scrambled for an answer. Didn’t Mr. Parkman say he was at Hogwarts? She played over their conversation in her head and realized he had not.

    What he said was that he had been to a huge school…but not which one. When he mentioned his school, a picture flashed into Annie’s mind--and she recognized the school as Hogwarts.

    Quickly, Annie realized that she had not only seen the librarian’s school, but she had also seen herself and Kerry wandering through the forest when she thought about the long weekend. She pictured a trip to the owlery; Kerry nuzzling Valcore.

    But…that is just my imagination…things I’d like to do or imagine happened.

    She stared at Kerry and Mr. Parkman. “I… I just saw you,” she breathed. “Not you now… you as a first year. And I recognized the school.”
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Tue May 17, 2011 2:57 pm

    The analytical portion of Trevor's brain kicked in that moment. Why magic worked as it did had always interested Trevor far more than the magic itself, and when something like what just now happened with Annie occurred, it almost made him giddy.

    Work this out, lad . . . "Let me ask; did you come straight here from Sorting, or did you stop at the Hospital along the way?"
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Kerry Malibey Tue May 17, 2011 2:59 pm

    Kerry watched that puzzled, spooky look come over Annie again, though this time she didn't turn pale. What if she's like her mother? he thought. She was so big into Divination, and maybe, like the librarian said, Annie has more than an interest in it--maybe she feels something--

    "The Hospital," Kerry replied. "Annie was shook up, so I took her there and the nurse gave her a calming draught."
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Tue May 17, 2011 3:06 pm

    "Then we might have something here." Trevor led the children to a reading table. "A calming draught not only does as advertised, but in some people it clears their mind of unwanted issues, allows them to focus."

    He rubbed his chin. "I wonder . . . if Annie has a touch of 'Sight', it's very likely our Phoenix may have opened her mind to something that's lain dormant for a while--that demented bugger has done that to others."

    Trevor pointed to Kerry. "Then, you take her to the hospital, allow Nurse Coraline to give your friend a draught . . . it calms her and clears her mind . . ." He leaned against the table. "Hum. It's possible all that has helped Annie have a 'flash' of my past." He smiled again, as if satisfied with his solution.
    Annie Krum
    Annie Krum
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Annie Krum Tue May 17, 2011 3:27 pm

    Annie felt all wrong. Situations like this always made her lightheaded and dizzy, but she felt eerily calm and focused.

    “Are you saying that Flame knocked magic into me and, what—the draught somehow kicked it into gear?” It sounded odd coming out of her mouth. “I didn’t do anything magic. I just assumed…”

    She looked at Kerry and thought about getting out of there, when suddenly she saw him relaxing with her on an overstuffed emerald green couch. In front of them, a blazing fireplace crackled.

    Annie shook her head and the vision was gone. “This can’t be right. I am not seeing anything. I just have an overly active imagination.”
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Tue May 17, 2011 4:13 pm

    "I'm not saying you're seeing anything, but it's possible you're getting . . . feelings," Trevor said. "I'm not an expert--I'm not even an accomplished beginner."

    There was something he needed to know, and he already had half the answer. "Annie . . . what coven did you get sorted into? And where did you go, Kerry?"
    Kerry Malibey
    Kerry Malibey
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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Kerry Malibey Tue May 17, 2011 4:15 pm

    Kerry jumped in. "We're both in Cernunnos . . .." As he let his word trail off he grasped a little of what he thought the librarian was reaching for.

    Last edited by Kerry Malibey on Tue May 17, 2011 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Trevor Parkman
    Trevor Parkman

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    Tripping to the Library Empty Re: Tripping to the Library

    Post  Trevor Parkman Tue May 17, 2011 4:19 pm

    Trevor was glad the light in the room was poor; he was afraid he might have given away his feelings should these two have seen him. "Your odds of getting into a coven is 1 in 5," he said. "For both of you to get into the same coven is a 1 in 20 chance.

    "For you both to have been in the same house at Hogwarts and in the same coven here . . ." He ran the numbers quickly. "The odds are approximately 1 in 70." He slow ran a finger across his pursed lips. "I'd say someone wanted you both together."

    And there was one last question: "Both times, who was sorted first?"

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